Adult Health

You will most likely live longer than you expected. An estimated 4.2 million U.S. residents now fall into the age group of the “oldest old”—85 years and older—with more than 40,000 having reached the age of 100. In fact, centenarians (those 100 and older) are the fastest-growing subpopulation of the elderly, and by 2050, according to census projections, 1 million Americans will celebrate their 100th birthdays.  At the same time, a growing body of evidence suggests that good genes are only a small part of the longevity equation. In fact, researchers now believe that chronic illness is not an inevitable consequence of aging, but it results more often from lifestyle choices. We believe chiropractic can help.


Chiropractic is a non-medical approach to healthcare that works with nature rather than against it.  According to the statistics, the average person over the age of 60 takes five or more prescription drugs daily.  Research studies revealed in people aged 75 and older, it was found that chiropractic users were less likely to have been hospitalized, less likely to have used a nursing home, more likely to report a better health status, more likely to exercise vigorously, more likely to be mobile in the community, and less likely to use prescription drugs. In a study of elderly patients seeing chiropractors for supportive care, researchers found reduced symptoms of depression, and a 50% reduction in medical visits.  We all understand that certain medical procedures have a place in our lives, but chiropractic care may help many people avoid drugs and surgery and live a higher quality of life.  After all, you will probably live longer than you expected, so now is a great time to plan for it by setting goals and investing in your health with chiropractic care.


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